The vice president/head of HR at the title and escrow company where I work has agreed to let me hold the president, vice presidents, managers, and sales team hostage at one of their Monday Morning Sales Meetings! I get to come in and do an inspirational/uplifting story to help focus them and encourage them to persevere through the poor real estate market!
I am looking through various children’s books, as well as Chicken Soup for the Business Soul type books for ideas. The owner loaned me her copy of Who Moved My Cheese, which could work well, too. The only problem with it is that the entire management team has read it.
(On the plus side, I can be as weird and out there as I want…after all, I am the one they called on to lead “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” at the company retreat…they expect me to be a little quirky!)