I call it Bedtime Stories with Megan
I did a web page, as opposed to a single storytelling session, on the thought that I could keep developing it. Kids could come and pick a bedtime story to be told. The stories could rotate and change out over time. However, as there is a common thread running through the set, it could also be used as a single session...assuming you had a stubborn child that would not fall asleep.
The connecting thread to the whole session is, well, my bedroom. The main idea behind the set was to use "found" objects, or pets, to tell children bedtime stories. This is based on my experiences babysitting for friends and family. Often kids want to hear a story but there are no books handy, like on a camping or car trip. (Also, how realistic is it to expect to have your own props with you when you are at someone else's house?) So, I have taken to picking up one of the kids' toys and using it as a springboard for a story. This is something everyone can do, especially if they familiarize themselves with stories that use common toys. Most kids have a Teddy Bear or Princess Doll. (And, as in the case of one of the poems, everyone has the night sky...)
The stories told in my story set are a little more thought out, in that they were not recorded spontaneously or without rehearsal. Still, they are all based on my own toys/stuffed animals/pets.
(Warning: I actually sing A Capella on one of the songs...I was worried about copyright issues if I used a song off my computer...I actually might eventually add some more lullabies...we will see...not a huge fan of hearing my own singing voice...especially all by itself!)