Friday, November 28, 2008

Review: Storyline Online

Children's Website; Streaming Storytimes

Grades: Preschool-2nd

First Accessed: November 24, 2008

A collection of online streaming videos featuring Screen Actor's Guild members reading picture books.

My Thoughts:

This is an absolutely amazing website. It has some VERY famous people reading picture books in video format. (Jason Alexander, Elijah Wood, Melissa Gilbert, Sean Astin, etc.) As professional actors, the quality of the reading is amazing. Also, the movement between the book illustrations (some of which have been animated, andthe actors themselves, is very smooth and well done. Also, the books that have been chosen are titles that will appeal to children, and are a wide mix of award winners, new classics, and just plain fun! (A Bad Case of Stripes, Stellaluna, Polar Express.)

One of the neatest features of this site is the ability to either merely hear the story, or to see the text along with the reading. This is great for encouraging literacy in children. Early readers can gain experience reading along with the actors. There are even activities to go along with many of the stories. However, my favorite feature was quite simple: each story clearly tells you how long the video runs. This is very important if you want to use one for a storytime or in a classroom setting. (Or as a bedtime wouldn't want the kids staying up later than they ought to!)

Thoughts of Others:
No Critical Reviews Available

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