Thursday, April 24, 2008

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

I gave my first recorded storytelling performance last night. I have posted the video to the right...
It was for the midweek children's bible class at my church. I had eight kids there, ranging in age from 5 to 12, and a fellow teacher who videoed me. After the story we did some activities based on it, and then I had the kids retell me the story in a fill in the blank oral format. It was amazing how much they retained!

Things I learned:
1. The camera adds weight...yuck!
2. Children who are normally perfect angels during bible class turn into little hams when they know there is a video camera on them.
3.Having repeated phrases in a story does help the kids pay attention and remember things!

On a side note: When I told the kids that the question about Baal going to the bathroom was actually in the Bible they were shocked and all grabbed Bibles off the shelves to look for themselves. It was very gratifying...who knew that a well told story could encourage reluctant readers to read the scriptures!

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